Jana Blažejová
Láryšov 112
Býkov-Láryšov, 794 01
tel. 773673704
Stable is in the village Býkov-Láryšov part Láryšov. (Part Bykov is beyond the forest). It is 5 minutes by car from Krnov and 20 minutes from Opava or Bruntál.
Bus to get here from the direction Krnov or Horni Benesov, stop intersection at Dubnica.
From the direction Krnov, Láryšov this is the third house on the left side.
If arriving from Opava in Úvalno turn right and then go directly to Láryšov. In Láryšov at the crossroads turn right direction Krnov and it will be behind the bus stop fifth house on the right.